

2 minutes


Founder Letter

I’m Xander, and I wrote this letter for people who don’t want to die.

There’s a glaring problem with the wellness industry that I’d like to share with you. And then I’ll tell you how we’re going to fix it.

Let me explain.

The biomarker testing companies of today are pretending to be innovative, but really, they sell the same test in fancy new packaging.

These companies have not created anything. Despite the flashy branding and sleek packaging, the core process remains unchanged and outdated.

They collect your samples, send them off to third-party labs, and essentially replicate the experience of a traditional doctor’s visit, minus the personal touch.

Now why is this a bad thing? 

Our health is dynamic, constantly fluctuating.

Yet, the existing platforms offer a snapshot rather than the continuous picture of our well-being that we truly need.

Yes, these platforms have merit.

They’re convenient and they’ve introduced many to the concept of proactive health monitoring. However, they’re also costly, lack integration, and fall short of true innovation. And if you use more than one company, your data is fragmented, diluting the potential insights.

I want to ask you something:

When you think of healthcare 30 years from now, what does it look like?

Will we still rely on outdated methods, or will we demand more?

The future of healthcare I imagine will have eliminated the physical and cost barriers to continuous health monitoring and personalized insights.

In the future, we’ll democratize access to the kind of personalized healthcare treatments that Bryan Johnson receives for $2 million a year.

And that’s going to take some innovation.

Our tests will be inexpensive, give you near-instant results, and provide personalized insights and recommendations.

  • Gut microbiome
  • Testosterone
  • Fertility
  • Stress
  • Nutrition
  • Cancer screening
  • And more…

Our non-negotiables are that our tests are:

  1. Non-invasive
  2. User-friendly
  3. Affordable
  4. Designed for regular tracking

This is a revolution in point-of-care testing, and this is just the beginning.
